We are on a mission
What started out in 2016 as a german cross-company OD working group became a global association in 2021.
„Bringing OD know-how out of the ivory tower“ is our vision –
„Making the world a better place through OD“ is the impact that motivates us.

Holistic OD understanding
While there are many different associations out there, no one caters for the holistic needs of an OD responsible in an organization. We want to change this!
No matter whether you want to foster a certain culture, build a new headquarter, mesasure your organizational health or upgrade your leadership team – here is your home for practical exchange on that.
Become a member
If OD is a main part of your profession you can decide between an Individual Membership or a Corporate one.
Tap into the knowledge and tips of OD professionals from all around the world. Exchange with other practitioners in local chapter meetings und community of practice. Participate in the yearly conference and get discount for a varity of trainings & seminars. Make use of the ever-growing pool of tools, frameworks and check-lists. Corporate Members also can use the „DAO“ logo for employer branding and engagement purposes.

Contact us
Imprint / Impressum
Developing Awesome Organizations e.V.
von-Mezzi-Str. 32
85661 Forstinning – Germany
E-Mail: mission@dev-awe.orgstermann.de
Vertretungsbefugt / Board
Bernd Zimmermann, von-Mezzi-Str. 32, 85661 Forstinning
Das Impressum gilt für: http://dev-awe.org
Registergericht: Amtsgericht München
Registernummer: VR 209092
VR Bank Erding eG IBAN DE38 7016 9605 0000 5363 26
Link auf die Plattform der EU-Kommission zur Online-Streitbeilegung: https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr
Zur Teilnahme an einem Streitbeilegungsverfahren vor einer Verbraucherschlichtungsstelle sind wir nicht verpflichtet und grundsätzlich nicht bereit.